Worries about speculative froth are focused on high levels of margin debt in retail trading accounts. 对投机性泡沫的担忧主要集中在个人交易账户的保证金借款(margindebt)水平过高上。
Retail investors account for around a fifth of trading in Hong Kong, compared with 80-90 per cent on the mainland. 在香港股市,散户仅占约五分之一,而在内地股市,散户占到80%至90%。
Retail is not profitable but it offers trading volume and cash flow. 做零售没有利润,但能产生交易量和现金流。
Retail punters account for 80-90 per cent of trading. 散户投资者占到中国股市成交量的80%至90%。
Retail investors in China opened 370,000 stock trading accounts last month, the highest monthly total in more than three years. 中国的散户投资者上个月新开了37万个股票交易账户,创下三年多来的月度总高。
Retail trading volumes dropped 60 per cent after the dotcom bust, points out Bernstein research. 伯恩斯坦研究(bernsteinresearch)指出,网络泡沫破裂后,零售交易额减少了60%。
That squeezes issuing banks 'cut but means retail investors, who dominate trading, can usually rely on tight spreads. 这种情况挤压了发行商的盈利空间,但这也意味着,作为权证交易的主流群体,散户投资者通常可以通过微小的价差获利。
That has drawn in millions of retail punters, who have been opening new trading accounts at a record pace. 股市上涨引来了数以百万计的散户,新开交易账户的速度创下新高。
Easy access to broadband services has also contributed to the active participation of retail investors by reducing trading fees. 宽带服务的普及也降低了交易费用,为散户投资者的积极参与助了一臂之力。
Overseas banks 'market share of loans, retail deposits and trading of domestic securities remains painfully low, dwarfed by powerful local competitors. 在贷款、零售存款和国内证券交易方面,外资银行的市场份额仍少得可怜,远不及那些强大的本土竞争对手。
The Shanghai domestic-currency market, despite falling 8.8 per cent one day in February, is up 20 per cent since the start of 2007 and retail investors are opening trading accounts at a record pace. 上海A股市场尽管在2月的某天曾暴跌8.8%,但自年初以来已上涨了20%,散户投资者开设交易账户的速度达到了创纪录水平。
Like many of its rivals, Lehman Brothers is itching to be allowed to invest in a domestic brokerage, to benefit from soaring initial public offering and retail trading commissions. 与许多竞争对手一样,雷曼兄弟正渴望获准投资中国内地券商,以便从不断飙升的首次公开发行(ipo)和零售交易委托中获利。
The ringfencing of retail banking should also reduce its contamination by the short-term trading culture of investment banking. “圈护”零售银行也应该会减少着眼于短期的投行交易文化对它的影响。
This newspaper expressed reservations when it first became clear that the core proposal was to ring-fence retail banks from investment banking and trading activities. 在最初得知ICB的核心建议是禁止零售银行从事投行业务和自营交易后,本报表示对此持保留态度。
Elbowing aside their advisers, some began trading their stocks themselves, sharply lifting retail trading volumes as they tried to take control of their investments. 一些散户撇开了投资顾问,自己做起了股票交易。随着他们开始试着自己管理投资,散户交易额得到了大大提升。
CREO owns Chinese office, retail and residential property. It has been trading at a 68 per cent discount to its net asset value per share. 中国房地产机会在中国拥有写字楼、零售及住宅地产。相比于其每股净资产,公司股价有68%的折让。
Retail investors account for 80 per cent of trading volume, making for volatile prices. 散户投资者目前占中国股市交易量的80%,这导致股价波动性很大。
Retail brokers, institutional investors, proprietary trading firms and automated market-makers also deploy them. 零售经纪商、机构投资者、自营交易机构以及自动化做市商也会使用这种指令。
But they are taking on a new prominence in Asia, particularly in Hong Kong and China, where frenetic speculative activity by mostly retail investors has fuelled an explosion in warrant trading. 但在亚洲,权证正在成为引人注目的新亮点,特别是在香港和中国内地两地由散户投资者主导的狂热投机行为,已促使权证交易呈爆炸式增长。
Plain-vanilla retail banks blew up while some black-box trading shops prospered. 当黑箱交易的商店兴旺的时候,普通的零售银行爆炸了(依据上文意思因当是破产了)。
China has long been on the mind of investors everywhere. But its mainland stock market still remains a largely domestic affair, with retail investors doing much of the daily trading. 全球各地的投资者固然一直关注中国,但中国内地股市仍基本上属于内部事务,日常交易以散户投资者为主。
The knowledge and theory of enterprises put into retail trading and its situation analysis, it may be found out that the retail knowledge spiral is the micro basis of the situation generation as well as the path nature of the situation evolution. 把企业的知识理论运用于零售企业及业态的分析可以发现:零售知识螺旋是业态生成的微观基础;
Recently the shopping mall is blooming in large-sized and middle-sized cities in China, which is a new state of retail trading after retail trading of the chain-store and supermarket. 近年来,销品茂正以前所未有的速度在我国各大中型城市蓬勃发展起来,成为继连锁超市、大卖场之后,中国商业新一轮的业态革命。
The Positioning Analysis of Wuhan Shopping Mall's State of Retail Trading 武汉销品茂业态定位分析
With grate success of chain operation in service trading, retail trading and cater trading in recent years, the accounting problems about chain operation have already been concerned, and the scope and depth of research are developing rapidly. 随着近年来连锁经营在服务业、零售业和餐饮业的巨大成功,连锁经营的会计问题已为人们所注视并论及,且研究广度与深度迅速发展。
The service object of retail banking is SMEs and individual small customers, trading through branches, ATMs and online banking. 零售银行业务的服务对象是中小企业和个人小客户,通常通过银行分行、自动柜员机及网上银行等进行交易。
Because of the external network characteristic of TSMs, large-scale retail enterprises attract consumers to participate in trading through free service and then attract suppliers. 双边市场的网络外部性特征,使得大型超市通过向消费者提供免费服务来吸引其参与平台交易,从而对供应商产生吸引。